We asked our students what they wanted their parents to know about them. The answers may surprise you.
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Step 3: A Future with Promise
At Beyond This we believe it’s our responsibility to help participants to find their calling, shape them to become better people, educate and love them while building knowledge so they can live a productive life.
Assessment Results Help Drive Curriculum
Measurable Results
Encourages Deep Discussions
Creates Better Relationships
Helps Modify Poor Behaviors
Helps Develop a Sense of Purpose
Gives a Sense of Hope in the Future
Step 1: Assessment = Understanding Self
Through taking the Beyond This assessment, participants learn who they are – both strengths and areas for improvement. It shines a light on their motivators – why they may react in certain situations as they do. Certified Beyond This Life Mentors help interpret results in one-on-one interviews.
Of those participating:
87% said learned new things about themselves
66.6% are better prepared to work on areas of weakness and capitalize on areas of strengths
90.7% feel the assessment was beneficial to understanding their motivations
Step 2: Life Changing Curriculum
The Beyond This assessment also gives a jumping off point for the curriculum, which teaches participants to use their specific talents and strengths. Each lesson walks through these steps: To See (understanding the concept being taught); To Move (understanding what that concept means in their own life and establishing a growth mindset for making change); To Grow (learning to become more focused and intentional with their actions especially as they relate to others) and To Impact (taking this new knowledge to make an impact in life and on the world).